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The nutrition information presented on this website is based on standard product formulations and was obtained through analysis by our nutritional software, entitled ESHA Genesis R&D, and information provided by our suppliers. Variations may occur due to differences in suppliers, ingredient substitutions, recipe revisions, assembly at restaurant level, and/or season of the year. Regional variations may occur. Certain menu items may vary from restaurant to restaurant and may not be available at all locations. Baked goods may vary in size. This information includes a selection of Tim Hortons’ most popular items and may not include all items found in-restaurant. Information is applicable to products in Canadian restaurants and may be subject to change at any time. Please check this website periodically for updates.
I LOVE Tim Hortons hot chocolate. Some might call it an obsession; I like to call it devotion. I live in Manhattan where I never had access to my secret (or not-so-secret) love. My dad would joke that Manhattan had almost everything. Everything except Tim Hortons. It was sad but true. When I go home to Ohio I make multiple runs for Tim Hortons hot chocolate and have to restrain myself from going several times a day. When I go on weekend road trips with my friends I INSIST that we stop at any Tim Hortons I see. My story isn't as much of a road trip story as a street trip story. This morning, I was walking down Seventh Avenue on my way to work when all of a sudden a box caught my eye. A man was walking with a donut box that had a Tim Hortons label. I had to do a double-take to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. I immediately started craving hot chocolate (despite the 80-degree weather at 9am) and wonder A) where he's visiting from that he brought the donuts and B) if it would be completely inappropriate for me to follow him and try to snag one. Well, as I round the corner to 50th Street I see two police men each with a Tim Hortons cup. I'm sure my eyes widened to twice their normal size. Then further down the street I see an entire flock of people each with a Tim Hortons! I start looking around and wondering what in the world is going on (it was kind of like I was caught in some sort of strange version of the movie Pleasantville) and then someone handed me a flier for a free coffee and donut from Tim Hortons! (Im hoping they'll let me have hot chocolate instead because I don't drink coffee, but if not, I'll still buy a hot chocolate anyway!) Apparently, several Tim Hortons locations are opening up in Manhattan. And one of them is only a block from my office. It was such a great start to the week and I was so excited the Christmas-morning, first day of Kindergarten kind of excited. Now Manhattan really does have everything!
karenzelnick, via
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